Albion Mill
Project Updates
The rear pathway working its way to the communal gardens -
The top corner being formed Canal side -
The scaffold used for loading kitchens into Block A -
Curtain walling complete to front elevation Block A -
Car Park looking towards Link and rear Block A -
Top layer on pathway at rear Block B -
Work commences on levelling ground to front of Link for patio and garden area -
Aerial view of garden layout -
Corridor within Block A -
Communal Cafe / Lounge boarding our and plastering -
Block B readying for flooring -
Block A front - a much quieter site but we are still, luckily, progressing through the pandemic to complete the development -
Internals progressing to Block B - suitably distanced -
Decorators applying the feature wall paint as per the Interior Designer instructions to Intermediate Care rooms -
This is the intended Hairdressing space which will have two hair washing sinks with multiple styling stations and space for nail bar -
Intermediate Care corridor -
Clearing and levelling rear of Block B to continue the pathway -
The beginnings of the rear pathway -
Looking good from outside too -
Lower ground floor of Block B -
Checking they didn't miss a bit!! -
Front entrance doors being installed -
Completing the curtain walling to Block B -
Curtain Walling to Block A -
Handrails being fitted within stairwells -
Front doors being secured - The country goes into lockdown due to Covid-19 Pandemic -
Block A apartments ready for boarding -
Top floor corridor Block A -
Flooring being laid Block B apartments -
Kitchens complete with their tiling Block B -
View from Lounge to Hallway Apartment Block B -
Kitchen view from lounge area -
Snagging the Hallway in socks! -
Shower area in wet room -
Corridors taking shape all boarded and plastered -
Curtain walling to Block B -
And again from Block A - the huge crane delivering stock to the roof of Black A can be seen to right of picture -
View of externals of Link building with the double height windows to mezzanine and Communal Cafe area -
View of Block B from driveway -
Which then opens up into the Car Park area -
View of rear Block A with scaffolding and crane -
Very busy in the Car Park! -
View from Albion Street -
Top floor Block A -
Lovely view from up high -
Kitchens going in on lower floors of Block B -
The shadowy figure in the apartment hallway is that of our Interior Designer Hiedi Lazenby -
the towering structure of Block A from the car park area - thats a whole heap of scaffolding! -
British Summer!! -
The roof to Block B commences - high winds, driving rain, yup summer is here and proving hazardous! -
The lads carry on with the internals whilst a lone Manager checks for safe working - spot the yellow dot on the roof! -
The double height windows in the Communal Lounge are fitted -
Stormy skies still in Blackburn and the dregs of a river of rainwater during the worst day through the car park area -
View of the Communal Lounge taking shape -
Plastering begins to the lower floors of Block B -
The roof structure from below -
The view of the Link Building, Canal side -
The Link Building with Block A, Canal side -
Windows and doors going in -
The beginnings of the Library Area, the Activity Room, the Hair Salon and the Multi Faith Room - all will become clear! -
The mezzanine floor now becomes interesting -
and the impact of the fabulous double height window opening - it will be lovely once the building gear is out of the way! -
Plaster boarding begin to lower floors of Block B -
Huge crane lifting the concrete beams to upper floors of Block B - still looking stormy in Blackburn! -
Around the other side of the Link building a van is parked in front of the double height window which gives a good perspective on how large the opening is -
The front elevation of Block A - behind the mass of scaffolding! -
View from Reception through the Link Building - the white poles indicate the mezzanine area looking down on the Communal Lounge -
Closer view of the mezzanine area - when complete the Communal Lounge and Cafe area will be seen together with the double height windows overlooking the Canal -
Typical floor area of one of the apartments -
View of the Canal from one of the apartment bedrooms - fabulous when complete! -
You do have to admire the brickies and sparks at this stage - there will be miles of cables to install and bricks of various sizes laid -
Maybe a kind word for the scaffolders too - cor blimey! -
Lift shafts to reception area - the Craft Room sits to the side of the lifts with the Communal Toilets to the right whilst the upper floors slabs are being placed -
Brickworkers hard at it! -
Internal insulation to the apartments -
Followed by floor screed -
And then there was light! -
The plant installations begin - these will the meters for each of the apartments -
View of formation of the Intermediate Care Level 0 from Level 1 Block A -
Setting out the next floor to Block B - quite surreal in the hazy winter sunshine! -
Ground floor of Link Building walls commence -
View of the Canal and surrounding countryside from the top of the scaffold on block A overlooking the Link building -
Block A joining Link building and apartment steelwork -
The interior taking shape and the first fix begins -
The New Year is a vague memory now and the weather presents some challenges! -
A mass of scaffolding - or a lot! Not sure of the terminology! :0) -
View of Reception Area from the Communal Cafe / Lounge area. The steel framework to the right is the double height window frame overlooking the Canal -
Same view as above from a different angle - Reception area steelwork on top of previous piling area - steaming ahead despite the stormy skies! -
The frozen Canal. Nothing to do with the build but very lovely through the fence! -
Window frames at the ready! -
Weather very bleak again in Blackburn - the walls are going great guns on both blocks -
The interiors are being studded - although the rain still has access! -
The apartments are beginning to take shape -
The 'light and airy' corridors will be fabulous with some plaster and a coat of paint! -
Car park view back to Link Building -
View to rear of Block A with retaining walls in place - with Link Building to the right -
The brick walls begin on Block A - there is a veritable army of brickies on site - although the camera angle is not so great! -
Block A insulation and damp proofing going in -
A closer look at the piles from the lower ground -
The guys hard at work in the bleak weather -
Floor slabs being laid to Block B -
On 11th September Blackburn with Darwen Council (BwDC) together with Verum Victum Healthcare held a Foundation stone laying event at Brackendale Care Facility Mr Sayyed Osman (Director of Adult Services BwDC) spoke to a selection of invitees from both the Council, the service providers who would be using the scheme, members of the Local Community who are also invited to make use of the Communal spaces, i.e. the Cafe, the Activity Rooms, the Hairdressers, the Library etc., and to those residents of Brackendale who were kind enough to allow us to hold the Event in their Communal rooms -
In addition to Mr Osman, there were words from Mr Neil Brown from Inclusion Housing who will be operating the scheme with BwDC -
Our own Mr Roy Kenny -
And there was an opportunity to meet with the Development Team to discuss the specification of the build. Below the Development Team from BwDC and the Council in their ceremonial gear (i.e High Viz and safety equipment) for the official stone laying by Mr Graham Burgess (Chair of Blackburn with Darwen CCG) and Roy Kenny (VVHC) -
And the Design Team from Bardsley Construction, Condy Lofthouse Architects and White Young Green Quantity Surveyors -
Concrete floor slabs to Block A being laid after foundations are set -
Steelwork to Block A being erected and the upper retaining wall begins -
Foundation laying to Block B (the lower block) with the steelwork for Block A visible top right -
The Canal side elevation (what will be the Reception Area) with the steelwork for Block A top left -
Setting out of Block A begins - the funny 'tubes' in the background are the piling stacks which will support the structure -
The difference in the levels between the blocks begins to be more prominent with the trucks low in the distance -
The tall machine in the background is the Piling Rig - this pounds the piles into the ground for the structure support as the picture above. A great machine to watch but make sure you have ear defenders on as they are seriously noisy! -
The weather picks up in Blackburn and setting out is well underway -
The clear up of the site begins for construction -
Making way for the digging to commence -
The Site Offices and facilities are erected -
Machines breaking up and digging through the old Mill foundations not removed during demolition -
These machines are seriously chunky and are situated where the Link Building will be placed, they show the difference on the ground levels of the site -
Clearing the years of debris and vegetation prior to works beginning -
Many of you may recognise this picture of the old Albion Mill, or some semblance of it! After speaking with some of the residents some will know it a little better and have some fond, and not so fond, memories -
Prior to our interest in the property the old mill was no more -
Just mounds of rubble and stone -
and more than its fair share of not so memorable mounds...... as you can see from the pile of old tyres -
And other things...... YUK!